It’s official! I’m obsessed with wearing sneakers with dresses. It all started when I bought my first pair of Adidas a few weeks back, and brainstormed all the ways to style them. Casual denim looks, sneakers with power suits, and even with jumpsuits. Funny tho, I was kind of iffy on pairing them with dresses. Probably the years of associating “feminine “ fashions with “feminine “ footwear like heels. I’m still trying to figure out who the heck came up with all of these fashion rules that I’m now unlearning, but I digress. After pairing my Adidas with this yellow dress from the Who What Wear collection I was obsessed.

I love sneaker with dresses combos that include classic sneakers like Converse , Nike Air Max , Vans, and Reeboks. Classic sneakers in general are easier to style with most pieces in your wardrobe.

So in today’s post I’m sharing 15 sneakers and dresses combos that you can get into for Spring.
15 Sneaker and Dresses Combos to Wear