I originally wanted to film a little tutorial, but realized that making head wraps are so ridiculously easy it just doesn’t make any sense. So I’ll just talk type you through 3 ways to make them all on your own.
The Right Fabrics for Head Wraps
After a couple of failed attempts, I can’t stress enough that fabric choice is ESSENTIAL!
- Double Sides: Often times fabrics only have their gorgeous prints on one side while the other side is washed out. Choose fabrics that are double sided or at least don’t have a noticeable difference between each side. If your fabric is not double sided you will need double the fabric because you’ll probably have to sew two right pieces of the fabric together (right sides out).
- Weight and Stiffness Matter: I’m going to be an adult and not address that tagline, but it really does matter. If you are looking to have head wraps that stand on end like the one in my photos, your fabric needs to have more “weight”. However be mindful that you don’t get a material that is so heavy and stiff that it’s too difficult to manipulate or cumbersome to wear.
3 Ways to Make Head Wraps on Your Own
- In the Raw: Cut your fabric to your preferred head wrap measurements and Voila! Some fabrics have raw edges that fray really beautifully that it adds a detail that will look intentional.
- Know When to Fold: Add about an inch of seam allowance before having your fabric cut to your head wrap dimensions. Next fold that seam allowance inward twice (5 inches per fold). Finally secure the fold with a straight stitch or fabric glue if you don’t have a sewing machine.
- Yes Serge: Similar to the first method cut your fabric to your head wrap measurements. Then run the raw edges of the fabric through the serger. Das it!
So yeah that’s three ridiculously easy ways to make your own head wraps. I purchased my fabric from The Fabric Store (a locally owned business on St.Thomas,USVI). My mom serged the raw edges for me and Voila. Happy crafting!
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