Renee Dawes is the entreprenuer behind the hand made, natural ingredient hair products of NaturelleGrow. With thousands of sales on NaturelleGrow’s Etsy Shop and a feature on, it’s safe to say that Renee’s natural hair concoctions that promote hair growth and all around healthy hair are something to be desired and cherished. I was honored with the opportunity to interview Renee about her NaturelleGrow products, about becoming an entrepreneur, and her opinion on the hot topic of “natural hair texture discrimination”.

What was the catalyst in your natural hair journey? How long have you been natural?
In my younger years I was relaxed. In high school, I wore weaves a lot and the glue I was using caused my hair to become so damaged that my edges were gone. My scalp was white and flaky. Then, I began sewing in the weaves. I had the mindset that my hair wouldn’t grow. It got to the point where I couldn’t even relax my hair anymore; it was so thin. So, in 2007 I slowly transitioned to natural. I have been natural for nearly 8 years.
How did you come up with the name NautrelleGrow?
I was looking for a name that represented hair growth and naturalism all in one.
What contributed to your decision to start formulating natural hair products?
I was fascinated with growing my hair long and healthy. As a result, I spent countless hours researching and testing organic and natural ingredients that promised to grow long hair. As I experimented more and more, I soon discovered which all-natural ingredients proved most beneficial for hair growth, and learned how to combine them for optimal results.
I appreciate things in general that are handmade because I know it takes real love and passion to create them. Can you explain the importance of using natural ingredients in your products?
Natural ingredients deliver benefits like none other. Like eating natural can transform your body to the best that it can be, applying natural ingredients to your hair has the same affects.

In a sea of natural hair care products, what makes NaturelleGrow unique?
NaturelleGrow is a David fighting against Goliath. There are a large amount of hair company giants on the market offering mass-produced hair products. We are unique in the fact that our products are (1) Blended by hand in small batches, (2) Our products contain fresh, natural homegrown ingredients, and (3) Most importantly, our products have not been sitting on shelves. They are made to order giving our customer the best product available.
I’ve looked at hundreds of reviews on your Etsy shop and naturalistas everywhere love NaturelleGrow products. What are your best sellers?
My customer faves are my Marshmallow Root Deep Conditioner and Mango & Coconut Water Deep Conditioner.
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(from left to right) NaturelleGrow Marshmallow Root Deep Conditioner, NaturelleGrow Marshmallow Root Cleanser, and Naturelle Grow Mango & Coconut Water Deep Conditioner . The marshmallow deep conditioner are recommended for type 4 hair chicks. The deep conditioners are also customer favorites form this brand. |
Are there any particular products that you would recommend for women with type 4 hair? Which ones would our hair absolutely love us for?
I would recommend our Marshmallow Root Cleanser and Marshmallow Root Deep Conditioner
What are 3 hair styling tips or tricks that you’ve found to promote healthy hair and hair growth along with the use of your NaturelleGrow products?
The top 3 styling tips that I found to promote healthy hair and hair growth are:
- Low/No Heat Styling
- Wrapping your hair up at night
- Take a good hair vitamin
One topic in the natural hair community that has been in everyone’s ear is “hair texture discrimination”. The general sentiment is that within the natural hair community looser, curly hair types (like type 3s) seem to get more support (sponsorships, subscribers, likes, followers, etc.) in comparison to women with kinky textures (4a-4c hair type). As the owner of a natural hair product company, what is your opinion about this hot topic? How should we personally feel about our own hair?
I believe that each person is wonderfully and beautifully made- so whether your hair is fine, coarse, thick or thin that is the way God created it and He makes no mistakes. You are perfectly made in His image.
For the entrepreneurs and anyone contemplating taking the entrepreneurial leap, what are three pieces of advice/ encouragement that you would give them?
(1) Don’t give up, take pride in what you are doing
(2) Integrity, customer service
(3) Always continue to seek new inventions
Naturellegrow is a Christian based company. Can you give us a little testimony as to how God has been with you throughout your life journey thus far?
God is within me and He is the light that guides my path. It is Him that provides the foundation for my business ethics and source for inspiration.
How can we stay in the know with the latest news about you and Naturellegrow?
You can receive updates by visiting us at our NaturelleGrow website or our Facebook page NaturelleGrow Hair Products.
Also stay updated with Renee and NaturelleGrow at:
Instagram @naturellegrow
Pinterest @naturellegrow
Shop NaturelleGrow : NaturelleGrow’s Etsy Shop.