A pile of shoes at the entrance to our home is not my idea of decor. Hey it’s reality, but it was getting out of control! So after collecting a mix of sustainable and new decor for the past few
A pile of shoes at the entrance to our home is not my idea of decor. Hey it’s reality, but it was getting out of control! So after collecting a mix of sustainable and new decor for the past few TAP TO READ MORE
Eloquii has entered the chat with all the plus size summer outfit pieces to make you stand out! If you’ve been following me for a while you know that Eloquii has been a long time favorite! What I’ve TAP TO READ MORE
I was shopping for welcome mats and didn’t really find one that spoke to me and our space. Then I noticed that Target had blank welcome mats and my DIY mind kicked in. I got completely sidetracked TAP TO READ MORE
This is a short and sweet outdoor patio bench makeover, but first the backstory. If you have a DIYers mind then you’ve often found yourself mentally dissecting things you see online or in stores. TAP TO READ MORE
I use to think pastels weren’t for me, but thankfully I’ve put away childish things. Ever since diving head first into plus size monochrome mint outfits with a mint power suit, I’m so open to TAP TO READ MORE
I’m beyond excited to share with you my planty outdoor patio space. Over the pandemic I quickly realized that this introvert is going to need a space of her own. There’s only so much interaction TAP TO READ MORE
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