Overall Review Price? – At an average price of $8, ORS Olive Oil Smooth n’ Hold Pudding is super affordable. This is an excellent styling product for naturalistas on a budget.
Smell? – This product definitely has a noticeable sweet fragrance and it did linger in my hair even after a couple of days. However, I didn’t find the smell to be overpowering or unpleasant at all.
How Did It Work? – The ends of my hair tend to be of a slightly rougher texture than the rest of my hair shafts. Time for a trim/cut I suppose. However, I noticed that as I got to the ends of my twists my ends smoothed out and felt like the rest of my hair shaft. My felt super moisturized and I loved that I didn’t need a system of products to get my hair to that soft, moisturized state. This one product did the job.
Recommendations? – I would recommend this product for naturals that are looking for a staple natural hair styling product. I would especially recommend it for naturals on a budget. It’s super affordable and it lasts, unless you have heavy handed issues like me. This is also one for the naturals that are not opposed to using a hair products that aren’t all natural.