Guess what?! New Who What Wear Collection Plus Size releases are now up on Target! I just so happened to be perusing Target this past Friday and to my surprise these same releases were on the racks before it was even announced today (Sunday). I probably shouldn’t be mentioning this because it’s a perk I love very much! Shhh. I digress. I grabbed as many of the new pieces that I could that were my size or as close as I could get to give you all a visual of what some of the pieces look like. I know in some locations access to the plus size pieces are very very limited and a video like this will save you the time of ordering something, waiting for it, and then realizing you don’t like the fit if it fits at all. #plussizewhileshoppingonline
I just did a
Target A New Day Clothing Line 1st Look
Word on the fashionista streets is a new clothing line called A New Day (A.N.D.) will be officially