Anyways I really don’t want to make this one super long, because I feel in 2018 we shouldn’t have to be discussing stuff like this in the first place. I know however that it does cross our minds as we get ready for a big interview, a special meeting at work, or most special occasions in our lives. So here we are!
5 Tips to Wearing Natural Hair at Work
1. Wear Your Natural Hair from Day 1
Whether it’s a roll tuck and pin style, a bun or a fro wearing your natural hair from day one is important because it’s the best way to be upfront and say “this is what it is”.
2. Assess the Vibes
If you’re not sure about how “wild” you can go with your hairstyles, play it safe for at least the first week at your new job. With my recent job, I rocked a roll tuck and pin style my first week, but once I saw people with dyed hair, weaves, and bald (*sips tea*) it was on. Balding men having an opinion on how I should keep my full head of hair…ain’t that a bitch.
3. Maintain Professionalism
Get like NENE and establish that “The Door Is Closed!” when it comes to speaking and/or touching your hair. Especially for those individuals in your workplace that play the” ignorant, I don’t know any better” card. If you allow the dynamic between you and your coworker to shift from something that is not 100% business, then you allow that person to become too relaxed with talking to you crazy about your hair, ethnicity, and forbidden territory.
4. Check Microaggressions Immediately
I’ve had my share of “micro” aggressions in and out of the workplace. From being called “rasta” when my hair was in a more afro textured state to a miserable cow insinuating that I do voodoo because I’m from “the islands”. As much as I wanted to cut loose in my raw accent and tell the person to go eff themselves I didn’t. However, incidents like this are way over the line and should be checked sooner rather than later. Inform your supervisor of the incident and request that it be resolved.
Note: If management handles it in anyway that is siding with the offender and not supporting your human right to be respected, it’s time to start looking for another job. Period. On principle I’m not here for busting my ass for any establishment that doesn’t value me. I’ll probably be speaking on this in another post, but in a nutshell keep it cool and make steps towards transitioning to another job.
5. Confidence is the Best Accessory
Wear your natural hair at work everyday with complete confidence in your capabilities, because at the end of the day that is what gets the work done. It has nothing to do with hair.
Clearly in 2018 people still cannot see that there’s no difference between an afro and someone with straight hair just wearing their hair out. It just so happens that our hairs defy gravity and magically stands on end. Compromising your true self by assimilating is never the answer.
Hope you found this helpful and please share with anyone that is worried about wearing their natural hair at work or anywhere else!
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