Install natural hair clip-ins behind your hairline.
When you get to the front portion of your head, make sure that the end of the clip in track rests just behind the hairline. The hair that is between your hair line and the end of the track will hide the track and confuse the heck out of anyone trying to figure out if your bomb twistout is all you or nah.
Install your natural hair clip-ins in the direction you expect your hair to lay or be pulled.
By installing your clip ins this way you are ensuring that there’s no excess tension to your hair.
Be prepared to dye your clip-ins.
It is common for 100% unprocessed human hair extensions to be on the brown side and not your typical 1b color that your find with processed human hair or synthetic hair. If your hair color is on the darker spectrum of brown, factor in time to dye your extensions to seamlessly match you hair extensions.
Short natural hair, long clip-in length?
Wanting vava-voom lengths when your own natural hair is significantly shorter than the extensions is non factor. The weight and thickness of your clip-ins will cover up your hair’s literal short comings. You can also blend your short length leave out into your long clip-ins by twisting your natural ends into the clip-in hair.
Tedious twisting is not necessary.
Please don’t get it twisted (see what I did there) some twisting is required if you want your natural hair to blend with clip-ins that have a defined curl pattern. However you don’t have to do a series of mini twists. Larger twists that take less time are fine. The clip-ins will fill everything out.
Can you sleep in your natural hair clip-ins?
The answer will be yes or no depending on which one of your favorite bloggers your ask. Some will say yes you can sleep with them the same way you would sleep with weave in. Some say no because the clip-ins are securely locked into your natural hair. Couple that with tossing and turning and it’s a breakage nightmare waiting to happen. If your hair is secured in a style, it may be annoying to disturb that style every night by removing the clip ins. The meet in the middle with this situation is to open the clips before bed because this relieves the tension on your hair throughout the night. With the clips open your hairs are free to slip off the clips as you toss and turn at night. .
These are some pretty solid tips to think about and implement on your next clip in session.
What do you think about sleeping in clip-in? Let me know in the comments below.