I constantly see this question under featured photos of plus size women that are my size or slightly smaller all the time. Even in person, people have told me to my face that they do not consider me to be plus size and that I’m just thick. “Oh you’re not plus-size because you’re not big.” Oh you’re not plus size you’re ass isn’t that big. Really?
You look and sound silly. In a nutshell.
Sorry not sorry.

Although it sounds silly, I think that people make these remarks because they simply don’t know what it being plus size really is.
Fact #1 Plus Size Starts From Size 12
I attribute this misconseption to social media for the most part. Women on the higher end of the plus-size, size range are more prominent on plus size and body positive platforms. That’s actually a great thing because for many years plus size women couldn’t get any shine at all. Now big girl’s rule social media with successful campaigns and hashtags like #effyourbeautystandards, #plusisequal, #bigandblunt, #fatshion, and so much more. The downside of this is that “larger” plus size women is the majority and it gives people who make this oh so silly “how are you plus size?” question the perception that is all that plus size is. Wrong. Just because that is all you see doesn’t mean that is all there is. You definitely don’t see size 12 and size 14 women walking down runways for regular size clothing collections right? Our thighs rub, our bodies roll, and giggle just like the next plus size girl. We’re out here. You just don’t see us enough.
Fact #2 The Hourglass is Not the Only Body Shape. Period.
I blame the waist trainers and one-dimensional, plus-size IG boutiques for this one. I’m halfway joking, but it seems like within the realm of being plus size, having a definitive dip in your waist and blessed derrière and breasts of epic proportions has become the pinnacle for what an beautiful plus size body should look like. Wrong again. We all carry our weight differently from woman to woman. Our butts, breasts, or lack their off should not be a qualifier as to whether we are plus size or not. We’re all beautiful as we are. #effyourbeautystandards
Fact #3 It’s About Representation
The #2 comment that I see after the “how is she plus size?” comment is, “Why is she even on here (the platform she’s featured on)?”. Kindly refer to Fact #1. Diversity in every way, shape, and most importantly in this case size is especially crucial in the plus size and body positive communities. If you’re following a platform that only shows one or a couple of sizes in the plus size range, maybe it’s time you unfollow that platform and follow those that do a good job of showing diversity. We all need inspiration in general. There’s nothing more inspirational than seeing a women that you can relate to for one reason achieving in her passions and being celebrated by the brands you both love. It’s also great to get genuine representation of what clothing from our favorite brands look like on real bodies, from size 12 up!
So the next time you see a plus size woman who is smaller than your self featured on any platform that is nothing to get up in arms about. She shares some of the same struggles that you probably do. From chub rub to muffin tops, we’re all in this together.
Great post. I have said that to myself before when seeing a smaller plus size model. No more.
Whenever I go into the plus section of a store, I always feel like other women are staring at me and wondering the same thing. But this stomach and this chest of my says I am totally plus size. Thanks for this post. People need to know that plus size does not look the same on everyone